Making a gift to Fairfax County Public Library Foundation, Inc. is thoughtful, appreciated and easy. If you would like to help the Fairfax County Public Library, we welcome your tax-deductible donation in several ways. Any gift may honor a special individual or memorialize a loved one.
1. Donate online via Network For Good (American Express, Discover, Visa, or MasterCard)
2. Donate by mail using the following downloadable Gift Form via check, money order, Visa or MasterCard.
To view the Gift form, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. To obtain a free Reader, follow this link:
3. Donate books to your Library through the Amazon.com Wish List!
You can make a real and tangible difference to Fairfax readers during the Library's current budget shortfall. Thousands of people are on the Librarys waiting lists to check out popular books and bestsellers, and because of budget constraints, the Library is not able to buy enough copies to satisfy demand. Now you can help shorten the waiting lists and get books into the hands of avid readers!
Library specialists have created a list of high-demand books that you can purchase through Amazon.coms Wish List program. By donating one of these books to the Library, you can be sure that youre meeting an immediate and specific need.
Purchase a book for the Fairfax County Public Library and be the first to read it!!
Donate Books Through the
Wish List!
Click on the link (on the right) Donate Books Through the Amazon.com Wish List!
Select the books you want to add to the Library’s collection then proceed to the checkout.
Check that it is a gift and that you want to include a card.
Include the following note “First Loan”, the library branch where you wish to pick up the book and your email address.
Complete your purchase. Once the book is catalogued, you will receive notice that the ‘first loan’ book is on hold for you
4. Planned & Estate Giving
There are many reasons to consider a planned gift:
- A Planned Gift helps you maximize the personal benefits of your charitable giving, while allowing you to make a gift that you may not otherwise think possible.
- Planned Gifts are a way to make a significant gift, while enjoying the benefits of charitable incentives that have been placed in the federal tax laws.
- Planned Gifts are a valuable tool for sharing your resources, while enhancing your financial situation and security.
A properly designed Planned Gift helps you to:
- Help the Foundation to support the Fairfax County Public Library
- Provide an income during your lifetime
- Convert low-yielding investments into a source of higher income
- Eliminate or reduce capital gain taxes
- Generate a significant federal income tax deduction
- Eliminate or reduce federal estate taxes
Gifts from an Individual Retirement Account
Gifts through a Will or Trust
Charitable Gift Annuities
Gifts of Appreciated Stocks, Mutual Funds and Bonds
Gifts of Real Estate
Gifts of Life Insurance
Charitable Remainder Trusts