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Fairfax County Public Library Foundation, Inc.

Fairfax County Public Library Foundation, Inc.
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 329
Fairfax, VA 22035

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Gifts to the Foundation from January 1, 2007 to March 31, 2007

Pret and Barbara Abbott
Jane and Martin Abel
Eva C. Ablorh
Julie Abrams
Barbara S. Adams
Richard and Leslie Adams
John Ahlquist
Jose Aleman
Haripriya Aluru
Eduardo R. Alvarez
Bitsiet Amare
Julio Amaya
America's Charities
Judith and Roger Anderson
Joanne G. Angle
Honna Lori Annett
Jeanne Archambault
Arts Council of Fairfax County, Inc.
Kwaminah Ato
Anna Auletta
Aviation Facilities Company, Inc.
B.T. Electrical, Inc.
Richard and Eugenia Bahler
R. Clifton Bailey
Stephen M. Baker
Bettie Rodes Baldwin
Michael Ballard
Bank of America
Norbertina Banson
Mary Barker
Wendy A. Barnes
Sean Barnett
Anthony Bart
Marcy Bartlett
George and Audrey Basler
James and Bernice Bass
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Baylis
Fred and Vivienne Becchetti
Bonnie Becker
BeeryRio Architecture + Interiors
Doris B. Bell
Col. (Ret.) and Mrs. Ferrell R. Bennett
Paul Berth
Best Buy
Ray and Tena Bluhm
Vincent Bogan
Andrea and Keith Bonanno
Robert and Judy Bonnaffon
Glen and Suzanne Bottoms
Thomas F. Boudreau and Donna MacPherson
Genevieve F. Boye
Michael and Chrissy Boylan
Barb Brehm
Julie Bright-Parolek
Florence K. Brittle
Anne Brooks
Howard and Lisa Brown
Stephen and Catherine Brown
E. C. Buckminster
John E. Bucur
Sue Budlong and Jack Weaver
Courtney and Patrick Bulger
Jean Burdell
J. Amber Burke
Walter and Catherine Burleson
Jean and Carshal Burris
Skylar H. Burris
The Calarco Family
Karin Anne Caldwell
Susannah E. Calkins
Jane Callahan
Paul and Azucena Carlin
Estate of Louis Carrera
Lorraine and Thomas Carroll
Ann Carter
Lois Mae Cascella
Rebecca and Bruce Case
Salvatore and Mary Ann Castellana
Eva Catlin
Friends of the Centreville Regional Library
Lee Chaffin
Jaeok Chang
Mark Chang
Friends of the Chantilly Regional Library
Anne Chiapella
Christopher Choi
Donna Lynn and Domenico Cipicchio
Timothy S. Cirillo and Linda F. Odorisio
Ann Marie and David Clark
John Clark
Ken and Jane Clark
Debra and Edwin S. Clay, III
Douglas and Ellen Cleary
The Edward J. Clinton Family
Bettie T. Cobb
Mary Ellen and Gordon Cole
Patrick and Bernice Colvard
Computer Sciences Corporation
Steve and Kim Condas
Althea H. Cooksey
Harlan and Carol Cross
John Crossley
Keith T. Crowder and Karen M. Gilbride
James Crown
Madeline G. Crytzer
Orsolya Csiba
Linda and Casey Cummings
Margo M. Cunniffe
Jane E. Curtis
Roger and Caroline D'Aguiar
Carol and Darrold Dandy
Nicholas Daversa
Philip and Sara Davis
Wayne A. Davis
Kenneth and Mary Day
Patricia Day
Barbara P. de Beaufort
Cleuzy Valentin De Oliveira
Dennis and Mary de Tray
Alice DeKany
Norma R. Delgado
Bobbie J. Denny
Upendra Desai
Patrick and Martha Dexter
Ellen Dickerson
David and Darcy Diggs
Mrs. Gene A. Dill
Thomas D. Dinackus
Discovery Publications, Inc.
Friends of the Dolley Madison Library
Ann L. Donargo and Douglas A. Jennings
Dayle Dooley
Edward H. Doolin, Jr.
Laurie B. Douthwaite
Mortimer L. Downey, III
Herbert and Pearl Doyle
E. B. Duarte, Jr.
Robert and Marcia Dublin
Roy A. Duvall
Jim and Terilee Edwards-Hewitt
Lee Einsel
Daniel and Marie Ernst
Carolyn C. Evans
Jeanne B. Evans
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Exxon Mobil Foundation, Inc.
John and Glorianne Fahs
Friends of the Fairfax City Regional Library
Fairfax County History Commission
Fairfax United Methodist Church Pre-School
Elsie V. Farley
Charles and Shirley Fegan
Craig and Mary Feneley
Brian and Clare Fennessy
Jane Ferguson
The John R. Ferrantino Family
Arthur Finkelstein
Greg and Sandy Fletcher
John and Sheila Fletcher
Flow Yoga Studio
Ina and Armand Fogels
Laura L. Ford
Mercedes S. Foster
Franconia Loyal Order of Moose
Enoch Frankhouser
Freddie Mac Foundation
John and Fran Freimarck
Debbie Freund and Doug White
Friends of Dyke Marsh
Friends of Fairfax City, Inc.
Joel Gales
Col. and Mrs. John L. Garcia, USA (Ret.)
Luz Garcia
Susan L. Geiger
George Mason Friends
Stella A. Gieseler
Michael Golden
Max and Renee Goldstein
Mary Goldwag
Allison L. Grader and Daniel A. Jones
Grand Mart, Inc.
Ruth P. Graves
Josephine L. Gray
Friends of the Great Falls Library
Susan Green
Sunny Greene
Valerie J. Gregg
Tony and Lucy Griffin
John and Carol Griffin
Michael Grillot
Richard Grimes
Deborah Grubbs
Carol H. Gruenburg
Paula Hollis Grundset
GSCNC Troop 3114
Guggenheim Memorial Library
Ronald and Sandra Gumbert
Katharine F. Gurski
Mary L. Guthrie
Irene Haley
Kathryn D. Halpern
Eric and Joyce Hanson
Roger A. Haskins and Susan M. Marcus
Keith Hastie
Ellen K. Hayes
Lisa and Thomas Hayes
Richard and Kathy Heer
Richard P. Heffner
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Heil
Jean D. Helms
Scott and Linda Henry
Friends of the Herndon Fortnightly Library
Carl H. Hess
Donald and Ingrid Hester
Tammy Hicks
Ruth H. Hiltz
Agnes S. Hite
Henry Hoang and Susan Nguyen
J. S. and Deborah Hommer
Barbara F. Howton
Michael Hudock
Karen P. Hughes
Clarence and Vickie Hunter
Bill and Dorothy Hunter
James Hurlburt
Quang X. Huynh
Sandra Hyland
Thomas and Donna Hyland
Lisa Iannuzzi
IBM Corporation Matching Gifts Program
William L. Inderwies
Rebecca Jackson
Janet L. Jacobson
Peggy Jarman
Nancy E. Jarvie
The John & Erie Hopkins Educational/Charitable Trust
Janis Linkov Johnson
Mary M. Johnson
Beverly and Emmett Jones
Jeff and Betsy Jones
Matthew and Catherine Jones
James K. Joslin
Harriett Joy
Edward J. Joyce
Vernon and Kathy Joyner
Morris A. Karam
Namir Kassim
Kathryn and Daniel Keany
Brian D. Kee
Elizabeth and William Keefe
Gelana Kejela
William Keller
The Christopher T. Kello Family
Patrick and Jolie Kelly
Jaturaporn Kespratoom
Duwain and Bonnie Ketch
Mr. and Mrs. Anshu Khullar
John Kiefman
Barwoo Kim
Hyun and Young Kim
Kwang S. Kim
Friends of the Kings Park Library
Friends of the Kingstowne Library
Hiroko Kiriishi
Estate of Lola Usade
Curt Kornblau
Scott J. Koster
Bevra Krattenmaker
Mary-Ellan Krcha
Varadarajan Krisnaswamy
Janice Kuch
Patricia and Peter Kuch
Arnold Kunkler
Regina Kvitkovich
Susan Laing
Mrs. Maria K. Laliotis
Robin and Mike Lanigan
Elisabeth Lardner and James R. Klein
Diemchi N. Le
Scot and Wendy Lebolt
Paul D. Lensink
Edwin and Barbara Leonard
Carolyn C. Lerch
Flint and Patricia Lewis
Marilyn L. Lewis and Mack A. Lundy
Lionel and Jaqueline Lincoln
Irving Lind
Laurie G. Lindberg
Robert and Janice Linett
Roberta A. Longworth
Friends of the Lorton Library
J. Wayne and Kathleen B. Loving
Josephine Lowe
Satish Lulla
Ruth W. Luper
Jacqueline Luttrell
Macerich Company
Virginia B. MacEwen
Blair and Gloria MacKenzie
Rich Mackey
Victor and Charanjit Mahal
Lynne Manganaro
Greg and Catherine Marich
Friends of the Martha Washington Library
Jane Martyn Masri
Francis and Robertine Mastrota
John A. Matheson
Dolores K. McAllister
Mindy and Steve McAllister
Suzanne McCoy
Radm. and Mrs. Charles E. McDowell, USN (Ret.)
Linda J. McKay
Don McKinney
Steven McNeil
Sarah Meholick
Ursula Mertins
Harry G. Meyers
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Jane K. Miller
John H. Miller
Pamela A. Miller
Brad Minnick
Judith A. Mitchell
Katherine A. Mitchell
Michael and Carol Monnin
Moon Cycle Records
Marguerite H. Mooney
Shirley D. Moore
Bettie J. Moores
Alicia R. Morgan
Brion Morrison
John and Mary Morrison
Mount Vernon Evening Lions Club
Frank Moy
Kate Mulderig
Charles M. Murphy and Shelby E. Pearl
Mary Murphy
Marguerite M. Murray
Henry S. Myers
Herbert and Jane Myers
Katherine Nassor
National Title Insurance Corp.
Alberto Navarro, Sr.
Network for Good
Ruth C. Newcomb
D. W. Newman
Tan Quoc Nguyen
Thuy D. Nguyen and Ngoc T. Le
Phillip and Christine Niedzielski-Eichner
Warren P. Nobles
Lee J. Norman, Sr.
Arthur and Carol O'Connor
Brian and Kyong O'Connor
Dennis and Linda O'Connor
William Odom
Kofi and Mary Oduro
Oracle Corporation
Orrin W. Macleod Trust
John W. Ott
William Ouzts
Mildred C. Owens
Marshall Palmer
Andrea Papa
Kyong Cha Park
Jay A. Parker
John L. Parker, Sr.
John G. Pastoral
Maheshwar and Deepa Patil
Friends of the Patrick Henry Library
Catherine J. Pauls and Arthur S. Kubo
Alfred P. Pavot, M.D.
Margaret S. Peete
John I. Peterson
Roy C. Pettis, Jr.
Christopher and Kathleen Picot
Friends of the Pohick Regional Library
Ferol A. Poth
Catherine Potter
David Powers
Brahm D. and Janet H. Prasher
Claire Prechtel-Kluskens and Michael S. Kluskens
Irene and Herman Prescott
William and Ann Prosser
Leo Puckett
Eileen M. Pugh
Jane E. Purcell
Quilters Unlimited, Fairfax Chapter
Ernest and Roslyn Rafey
Eka Rahardjo
Richard and Charlene Raphael
Brijana Rapp
Jean T. Reavey
Record Services for Visually Impaired
Anne and Case Reed
Patricia Reed
Florence M. Reese
Jean E. Remler
Friends of the Reston Regional Library
Barbara and James Rice
Friends of the Richard Byrd Library
Jean J. Rickard
Victoria and Frank Rindone
Jeanne Robb
Bill Robinson
Barbara A. Roche
Joanne M. Rodgers
Poole Rogers
Kim Rolland
The Rook Family
Heli L. Roosild
Carl Roth and Tanya DeCell
John and Barbara Roulet
Rowena Y. Rulona
Jonathan S. Ruskin
Catherine Rykwalder
Sallie Mae
Horace Salmon
Philip and Judith Saulnier
Kenneth Schroeder
Barbara M. Schumacher
Katherine Seaton
Segovia Cleaning Services
Roger and Susan Shanzer
Margie and Larry Shapira
C. Ann Shell
Shelley A. Marshall Foundation
Mary Elizabeth Sherman
Friends of the Sherwood Regional Library
James C. Shoemaker
Jeff Shoemaker
Pearl Rapoport Shuman
Margaret W. Shutler
Lora D. Simkus
Thomas M. Simpson and Nancy B. Engleman
Jennifer Slingluff
Nancy A. Slusar
Reginald and Elizabeth Smith
Ronald and Shalah Smith
Sandy and Oliver Smoot
Mark E. Staley
Mary Ellen and Andrew Stanton
Jean M. Stephens
James and Margo Sterling
Charles and Letitia Stewart
Margaret Stirling
John and Janice Strauss
Christopher Sullivan
Sun and Moon Yoga Studio
Sunset Hills Montessori Parent-Teacher Association
Jerry and Terry Svat
Barrett Swink
Douglas Taggart
Deborah Tannen
Esther Taylor
Joan Taylor
Neel Teague and Diane Hellens
Thelma P. Terjelian
Friends of the Thomas Jefferson Library
Michael and Jane Thompson
Susan and Paul Thorniley
Azaria G. Tibi
Barbara J. Tobias
Arlene and Theodore Togashi
Bonnie G. Tuggle
Friends of the Tysons-Pimmit Regional Library
United Way of Deleware
United Way of the National Capital Area
United Way of Tri-State
Michael A. Van Gelder
Lawrence R. Velete
David and Monica Vickers
Victor and Mary Villone
Herman and Susan Viola
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Wales
Agnes S. Walsh
Raymond Walsh
Michael L. Wardinski, Jr.
Alice Warren
Gregory and Joan Weddell
Walter G. Weedman
William and Mary Weinhold
Doris and Burt Weisman
Dorothy L. Weller
Ina Lou White
Frank Wiesman
Earle C. and June Williams
Cathy Wilson
Margaret T. Wilson
Mary Wisenbaugh
Paula and Richard Witt
Wolf Run Foundation Inc.
Frank and Marie-Therese Wood
Friends of the Woodrow Wilson Library
Jane M. Work
Constance L. Wright
Gene and Gooloo Wunderlich
You-Yen Yang
E-an Zen
Christina C. Zirps

Fairfax County Public Library Foundation, Inc.
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 329
Fairfax, VA 22035