James Dyke is a Partner at McGuire Woods, McLean, Virginia, in the Corporate Services Department. His broad practice covers corporate, legislative, education, voting rights, governmental relations and municipal law. He formerly served as the group leader for the Tysons business group, co-chair of the education law team, and team leader for the Year 2000 Solutions Group. He also previously served as Secretary of Education under former Virginia Governor L. Douglas Wilder and as Domestic Policy Advisor to former Vice President Walter Mondale. He received his B.A. from Howard University, Washington, D.C., in 1968. He graduated Cum Laude from the Howard University School of Law, Washington, District of Columbia, J.D., in 1971. Law Review: Howard Law Journal. Other previous experience includes: Secretary of Education, Commonwealth of Virginia, 1990 to 1993; He is an active leader in the Northern Virginia business community serving as past chairman of the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce; chairman of the Northern Virginia Business Roundtable; chairman of the Northern Virginia Community College Educational Foundation; and chairman of the Emerging Business Forum, an organization focused on enhancing minority entrepreneurs' access to capital. He has served on various commissions and committees including the governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Higher Education, and the Commission to Restructure Virginia's Tax Structure. He is a frequent speaker on educational, political and legal issues, including serving as a speaker on Workforce Training at the 1998 World Congress on Information Technology. Civic Affiliations