First Loan Program
Seize the opportunity to be the first to read a current best seller while helping stock the library shelves for other avid readers. Purchase a book through the Foundation's Wish List to make a tangible difference in the library and increase the selection of materials available to all library users! All books will be marked with a general bookplate to commemorate your generosity. Here's how:
- Go to the Donate Books Through the Wish List!
- Select the books you want to add to the Library's collection then proceed to the checkout.
- Check that it is a gift and that you want to include a card.
- In the gift card, enter the words, "First Loan," the library branch where you wish to pick up the book, your email address, and your library card number.
An example is:
- First Loan
- Your Branch
- Your email address
- Your library card number
- Complete your purchase. Once the book arrives at the branch, you will receive a notice that the "first loan" book is on hold for you! Be aware that the item is only held for seven days. If not retrieved, it will be provided to the next person in the holds queue.
We hope you will consider this quick and easy method of supporting readers of all ages in Fairfax County and Fairfax City!