Susan C. Thorniley
Susan C. Thorniley is the Coordinator for Library Information Services with the Fairfax County Public School System. She represents Fairfax County Public Schools on the Fairfax County Public Library Board of Trustees.
Susan earned her BA in Education (English and Library Science) from Shepherd University in West Virginia, her Master of Instruction with a concentration in library media from the University of Delaware, and her Masters Certificate in Project Management from George Washington University. She holds membership in VLA (Virginia Library Association), ALA (American Library Association), VEMA (Virginia Education Media Association), is a member of the Shepherd Alumni Association and the Scarborough Library Society of the Shepherd University Foundation and serves on the Board of the Fall for the Book Festival. Susan is chair-elect to the AASL (American Association of School Librarians) Supervisor’s (SPVS) section of the ALA.
Susan was an active member on the Planning Committee for the Capital Book Festival which was the largest event hosted by the Library Foundation. Most recently, she participated in Library Legislative Day, the ALA Annual Conference, and the VEMA and VLA conferences.
Susan has been recognized for her hard work and dedicated commitment to education. She has received awards from the Fairfax County Public Library, the Library Foundation, was recognized in Delaware Today Magazine and the Delaware Education Association’s Action News for her part in the planning and implementation of the state’s first combined school/public library. In Delaware, Susan served on various state committees, was president of Delaware School Library Media Association and was named Delaware School Library Media Specialist of the year in 1994.
Susan and her husband Paul like to visit lighthouses, explore antique shops and visit new places on the East Coast, as well as spend time at the Outer Banks. Reading, of course, is Susan’s number one activity, which matches well with her love of and commitment to libraries.