Judy Nardella Hershman.

Judi Nardella Hershman

Judi Nardella Hershman is a management consultant who deals with the impact of communications on society and business. After a successful career with one of the world’s largest hotel chains, a decade of political consulting and running the Washington office for one of the country’s best known communication pioneers, Spaeth Communications, she founded RAFTR Communications, a crisis and reputation management consulting firm based in Vienna, Virginia to focus on communications issues.

As Vice President and Managing Director of Spaeth Communications’ Washington, D.C. office, she handled a wide range of strategic and crisis communication consulting. She is experienced in media relations and has an established track record briefing Hill staff on a variety of issues. She is renowned as a trainer and facilitator and has been designated as an expert instructor in the copyrighted Spaeth techniques.

Judi has been nationally recognized for a number of client engagements. In 1999 her expertise in coalition building and strategic message development helped a state teachers’ organization defeat three bills in their state’s general assembly in a six-week time frame. Her work won recognition with awards from PRWeek, the 1999 Bulldog Award for Excellence in Media Relations & Publicity and two IABC 1999 Silver Inkwell awards. She is credited with taking one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious children’s hospital through a four year Qui Tam case coupled with an investigation by the Texas State Attorney General.

Judi is also experienced in high profile appellate litigation, witness preparation, and strategic communication coaching for CEO/CFO level executives with Fortune 500 companies. Judi has helped business and opinion leaders prepare for appearances on: “Meet The Press,” “Larry King Live,” “The Today Show,” and congressional and state hearings.

As a political consultant, she specialized in fundraising for state and federal candidates, as well as political action committees. Her expertise includes direct mail programs, and donor and corporate development work.

Judi has a distinguished record of achievement and contribution to her community. She is a founding leader of a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting drug and violence free schools and neighborhoods. She was named Citizen of the Year in 1997 by her hometown, the Washington suburb of McLean, for her work with young people.